In today’s Gospel reading, John 6:41-51, the bread of life discourse continues and we focus our minds and hearts on the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Repeated three times in the gospel are the words “I AM” …the bread that came down from heaven, …the bread of life, …the living bread that came down from heaven.

The words “I AM” bring to mind the experience Moses had at the burning bush. “I AM who I AM” (Exodus 3:14) was followed shortly by Moses going out to save the people from bondage in Egypt.

How many times in our lives are we reminded that God is God and we are not God? How many times are we reassured of HIS presence with us, “until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20)? Yet, we doubt His ability, power and presence in our lives.

It seems like we are reassured in scripture time and time again. God surely knows how much we need constant reminders of His love. Just like our deepest relationships, reminders of sustaining love are so important. Sadly, it often takes losing a loved one before we recognize the importance of expressing our love each day. But, when we learn that lesson, it is often one we never forget.


Today, let us make a renewed commitment with this gospel reading to internalize a little deeper His love for us and how we are called to be that love for others. “I AM” is with us. HE is living and loves us with an “everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3).

Let us remember always to freely express our love for those important in our lives. Let us not allow one day to go by without saying, “I love you, I am with you, and always will be” to family and friends alike. God’s love and our love for each other is all that really matters.


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